- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The sound effects I used were to describe a prison cell. The first sound I chose was creaking. I chose this sound because I wanted to set the mood of eeriness. Another sound I chose was mouse squeaking. I chose this sound because I wanted to express the silence at the jail cell. The third sound I chose was prison metal doors closing. I chose this sound because it's showing, how some prisoners were going to get hanged. I used the sound of rain to create a sound of quietness in the jail cell. I also used thunder because it would add more to the mood of eeriness. I added a sound of a man sobbing/crying because it would show the pain that was felt in the cells. Also added the crying because its representing Proctor who was also sent to jail. I added the sound of keys. I added this sound because it was to elaborate the guards there. I also added echoing steps for the same reason. I also added humming because it's showing how the characters Tituba, Sarah Good, and Rebecca Nurse are in the jail so the humming represents them.
License details for "SOFIA_P_CRUCIBLEFINAL"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Woman humming tune by drotzruhn from http://freesound.org +)
- chains.wav by https://freesound.org +)
- Keys Jingling Keys by jellybelly +)
- echoing steps by ocelma from http://freesound.org +)
- Mouse Squeaking by ProFX +)
- Thunder by Soundbible.com +)
- male crying by SoundEffectsFactory +)
- Dungeon Door Close by Unknown +)