Enjoy the wife of your youth.
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Love Shrine
Love's ultimate culmination is a touchy subject for many folks, but God is not one such person. He made the physical aspects of love as well as the emotional and spiritual, and He openly celebrates physical love in the Song of Solomon in the Bible. While God may have rules for sharing yourself so entirely with someone else, He also has designed it as pure, holy, and meant to be enjoyed between two lifemates.
So as two young people come together, their love is a prayer and a praise to God, and nothing about it is dirty or shameful. Enjoy the purest erotic beauty made by God, and offer praise, not shame or lust. God gave us a treasure in our physical love; treat it with care, but also don't insult him by denying its beauty.
(Okay, real talk: I legitimately believe that too many people, especially fellow Christians, don't appreciate se*uality the way God made us to. Rules intended to protect us from bad relationships and other forms of harm became taken out of context, and physical love became taboo, rather than a holy blessing to be praised and honored. Granted, most explicit material is gross and disgusting, but that doesn't mean just because something is explicit that it has to be dirty or cheap. Honestly, many people forget that the Song of Solomon in the Bible is straight-up very explicit erotica, and it's portrayed as beautiful and holy. God made rules for what is and isn't okay because we are supposed to honor physical love, not insult Him by treating it like it's dirty. You can be hotter and more saucy than any dirty movie and still be as pure and innocent as an angel.
Do yourself a favor, and read the Song of Solomon. It's written poetically, but the meanings are pretty explicit. There is no shame in physical love between a loving married couple, for God made it, as he says in Genesis, "very good". Maybe you're a married person looking for ideas, or maybe you're a single person looking for a pure and innocent outlet, but I highly recommend you read it, and see God's true plan for physical love.
I know this is a difficult subject, and one that deserves a fuller explanation than this little quip, but I feel the world needs to know that God may have rules, but He isn't a fuddy-duddy. So honor physical love. Respect it. Treasure it, because you are a treasure, and treasures deserve to be respected, and not tainted with lust. But also enjoy it. God gave us outlets, even for us single folks. Avoid lust and dirty stuff, and enter into a world of holy erotic beauty. The good Lord gave you an amazing gift. Don't be ungrateful.)
(All art is intended for artistic purposes, not to be dirty.)
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- sussex woodland meadow birds by "veneer from http://freesounds.org +)
- Soft Piano by Arkadiusz Reikowski +)
- Pleasure moans by ddohler *)
- Slap2 by gbagbo from http://freesound.org +)
- Early Morning Birds Singing by My Art +)
- Quick heartbeat by patobottos (https://freesound.org/people/patobottos/sounds/369017/) +)
- Quiet Breezy Leaves by Spleencast from http://freesound.org +)
- Fabric Rustling by unknown +)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: Prince of God (Me)